The City of Daytona Beach Shores is only 9 square miles with 5.5 miles of beachfront living. Eighty percent of residents of Daytona Beach Shores live in the condos that line this pristine beachfront area. Residents here value the exclusive and luxurious lifestyle afforded at Daytona Beach Shores consdos like Ocean Vistas. In fact, residents took action in 1997 to place a 12-story height limit on any new condominiums to be built in Daytona Beach Shores. This provides for more spacious views and easier access to resident homes, as well as limiting the number of tourists in the area. In Daytona Beach Shores you will find a friendly, active atmosphere where residents enjoy spending time together outdoors or in the clean, local facilities. Also, there are no schools or manufacturing industry in Daytona Beach Shores meaning less traffic and more serenity for adult residents. If you are looking for a place that really feels like home, look no further than a Daytona Beach Shores condo like Ocean Vistas. Come enjoy the relaxation of oceanfront living in this tranquil community.